Famous Last Words- Literally

This is the last time I'll ever write one of these! How crazy is that? It feel like the last month went by in the blink of an eye. I really can't believe that this semester is over and I'm about to be done with this class. It's certainly a bittersweet feeling. I didn't write my own story this week, but I read several others written by other members of this class. It's been cool to see how people's storybooks and portfolios have evolved over the semester. In the beginning, I was admittedly kind of skeptical about the merits of the storybook, but I think that's just because I didn't have the best understanding of how it was supposed to be. Now that they're all wrapped up though, I've found that I genuinely like exploring other's storybooks and portfolios. Writing is so intrinsically individual that everyone's storybook or portfolio is completely different. I've found that I like reading through someone's collection and then trying to guess as to what kind of person they are, then going to their introduction to see if I was right. People's personalities shine through in their writing so much that usually I can guess at least a couple of their personality traits. It's even more fun when I'm completely wrong though! There have been several instances where I was surprised that the person presented to me in an introduction wrote the story I had just read. People are so multifaceted though; it would be impossible for me to get it right every time.
This is probably the most creativity-based class I've taken at OU thus far. The correct answer is always completely up to me and whatever I decide it to be. This complete freedom has been challenging at times, since I'm used to having stricter guidelines and direction when writing for school. It felt odd at the beginning to write creatively, something I do for fun outside of school, and then have that be applicable to an actual class. I really do think I've learned something from this class, though, and I've enjoyed it much more than I thought I would.


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