Week 8 Reading and Writing
Overall, the reading and writing assignments are going pretty smoothly for me. They're straightforward and engaging, and I've found that the story assignments can be pretty fun. Looking at my blog, I decided it was time to change the theme and layout. My blog felt a little bland, and now the new colors and theme make it seem more interesting. I'm pretty happy with my project website, honestly. I spent a while on it and I think it looks pretty good, so I didn't make any changes to it. I think the writing for this class is going well so far; I've gotten to stretch my creative muscles a bit, which has been a nice refresher. I think my biggest accomplishment in this class was when I caught myself thinking that I actually wanted to start the story assignment earlier in the day so I would have plenty of time to fuss with it until I was happy. I'm not usually that nitpicky about my writing, but creative writing feels more personal somehow, and I've realized that I don't like putting creative writing out into the world unless I'm happy with it. So far, my favorite reading has been the story of King Shanantu and Ganga. I wrote a retelling of this story for my project website so I've spent a lot of time with it, and now we're old friends. The reading notes didn't help me at first; I would either write way too much or way too little. I think I've found a pretty comfortable middle area now though, and they've finally started to be worth the trouble.
I liked this picture because of the style and the color palette. It looks very traditionally Indian.
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